Saturday, October 1, 2011

Down River

I don't think I ever put up all the photos from the rafting trip. . .  Not on the blog, anyway.  And my mother's not on Facebook, so here's her chance to see them, too.

This was Joshua's 5 year old birthday celebration.  Betsy, Amy and TJ joined us, which was very handy.  Between the 2 strong guys in front and the raft guide in back, I didn't have to work very hard.

The kids loved it.
I loved that the kids loved it.
It was one of those days Bryan and I have often enough:  This is not vacation.  We actually live here.


  1. Love the photos! So glad Joshua finally got big enough to qualify for a seat on the raft! You can see he is one happy little boy.

    The water looks more turbulent than the last rafting pictures with the Lauzons - Since Bryan and Gemma were the two that went on the previous trip, did they feel this one was more exciting?

    I'm wondering if the next question will be, "Mom, when I get older can we go again so I can paddle too?" This looks like an adventure that can be enjoyed every couple of years.

  2. I'm reading backward. I have to ask why, after this, you were afraid of them climbing that little tree in your front yard?
